Rubini Jewelers Blog — Costume
What to do During a Furlough, a Jewelry Take
Posted by Joanna Rubini on
January 2019, Nation's Capital: we are under a seemingly never ending furlough. What small thing can you do to feel productive in your life? A jewelry ownership analysis, makeover and culling might be just the thing to get you moving in a positive direction.
- Tags: Costume, Furlough, Heart's Desire, Repair, Self Love, Vintage Jewelry
Value of Jewelry: Let's Get Sentimental
Posted by Joanna Rubini on
The more living I get done, the more I recognize that although some things cost more, the absolute biggest determination of value is sentiment. That means deep down, if you love a piece of jewelry for whatever reason, be it a piece of costume jewelry or a 5 carat diamond, then they have essentially the same intrinsic value. The loss of either would be equivalently painful, simply for the fact that the item embodied a memory or a feeling for you. Thankfully, we can control our brains and thoughts and feelings and eventually it is possible to transfer the same 'aura'...